How to use Airdroid app to connect your Android phone via PC
Did you bore to manage many file in your Android Phone ?, today we have a coolest app to manage all file in your Android phone or tablet. This app called "AirDroid"
AirDroid is the android app from a developer name "Sand Studio" and now it's version 1.1.0. They has a plan to release new version 2.0 coming soon, when it coming, we will write a review again.
How to use AirDroid ?., It's easily to connect your Android Phone or Tablet. We write step by step as below details.
0. Your android phone and Your PC "must" to connected internet same WIFI network (this article is very important)
1. Install AirDroid app from Google Play store into your device (Android phone or tablet, this app compatible with Android 2.1 up)
* Google Play download link : AirDroid
2. In your PC desktop, open browser, and go to
You will see this.
3. Back to your phone, open AirDroid app and then press a Camera icon to prepare read a QR code appeared on browser/PC
4. Take your phone to read QR code
5. Now, your android phone or tablet connected with airdroid. You can manage all file, SMS, VDO, Image, you can operate anything you want via browser. It's very comfortable.
Source : app center
How to fix a problem android Google Play Error code 495
Someone user of Android phone may be get any error code when you access to Google Play store and download application on it. We had write a post of how to fix an error code 498 on Google Play, there's easy to fix a problem by clear your cache memory in device, and re-start your phone or tablet, then try to download app in Google Play store again.
But anyone not get an error code 498, but it's code error 495. That's same problem as error 498. Some the inside description may be some a little different, but it's same.
How to fix a problem of error 495 ?, Yes! it same method as Error 498. Please read it via this link (Fix Google Play error 498)
Source :
How to refund money from Google Play store
Application in Google Play store have both version of free version, and Paid version (some app "PRO" version). So, when you downloaded free version, and that app is very cool. And you want to buy a new version. You can easily paid via Google Wallet. But if you have some problem when you downloading, may be your devices not support. How about your money purchased ?. It able to refund, you can do as below.
1. You must remind that, you can refund your money from Google Play store within 15 mins after purchased.
2. Take your devices, go to Google Play store app >> Menu >> My apps
3. You will see two button "Open" and "Refund", if you're still lucky.
4. Press a "Refund" button, and apps will be uninstall automatically.
Google will send confirmation e-mail to you, you can check it in your Gmail inbox.
Source : facebook/androidappreviewTH