Monday, July 8, 2013

Minimal Uhr - A simple clock android app on your home screen

Minimal Uhr - A simple clock android app on your home screen

Minimal Uhr
Are you boring a system clock on your home screen ?. If you're bored, today we have some simple clock to display on your home screen of android smart phone. There's not any complex. Just a square clock and circle clock displaying. But it let you feel good to see it.

Minimal Uhr app, this application is a simple clock which we introduce above. It's developed by German android developer application. No any special requirement, just to download it in Google Play store and setting it as you like.

In the app, you can select a shape of clock and color. Normally, there's 2 type clock. Square and Circle shape. Although this app is not have a cool features, but we appreciated to use it on my android home screen.

You can download "Minimal Uhr" clock follow link from Google Play store as below.
Google Play store : MinimalUhr

(VDO) : Minimal Uhr

Source : Google Play store / Minimal Uhr