Flappy Chat Chat

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

How to add LINE via Bluetooth and Ultrasonic

How to add LINE via Bluetooth and Ultrasonic

LINE, the world’s largest chat app now already to issues new update version with new features about add friends via Bluetooth and Ultrasonic sound wave. This features was found in version 5.4.1 on Android smart phone. Method to use this features, we show you below.

1.      Make sure your LINE application in your phone already gets version 5.4.1 or later, if there’re not, please go to update in Google Play store
2.      Launch your LINE app, go to setting and “Add friends”
3.      Go to “QR code” and go into “My QR code” button on the below right side of screen.
4.      You will see your LINE QR code image, and below you will see 2 icons of “Bluetooth” and “Ultrasonic”
5.      For your friend side, open this same to Add friend, and press icon Ultrasonic together

Try and play it, hope you fast to add friend with these new features from LINE

Source : Android app review

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